Children's Filmmaking Workshop

Coming Soon


Project-based learning program for children ages 10 - 13. Students learn the basics of story development, shooting techniques, and editing while creating a short video essay about themselves. Other skills acquired are leadership, teamwork, and using media as a tool for positive social change.


Teens' Filmmaking Workshop

Coming Soon


Students ages 14 - 17 will learn the basics of story development, shooting techniques, and editing while creating a short documentary as a group. They will select an individual or organization from the El Paso, Las Cruces, or Juarez community to research, interview and document. Other skills acquired include leadership, teamwork, commitment, and using media as a means for positive social change.


Smartphone Filmmaking Workshop

Coming Soon


For students ages 16 and over. The class focuses on the exclusive use of smartphones to develop, shoot, and edit a short film from start to finish. Students will also learn how to use available natural and artificial lighting in order to properly light scenes. The class will commence with a screening party for friends and family.


Private Classes

Email for info.


Custom filmmaking classes are available for businesses, organizations, individuals, and youth organizations.



Cine Cultura Youth Class Student Films 2013 and 2015